Ever wonder where an author works? Click through these images to see a few of my favorite spots!
I have a very nice office, filled with my favorite books, a (sometimes) tidy desk, and a soft and squishy rug...
But I don't spend a whole lot of time actually writing in there. I create stories all over the place.
Where do you write?
Sometimes, when I'm plotting out a new adventure, I can't control when or where ideas come to me. So I always carry around a little writer's notebook so I'm able to jot down ideas whenever they pop into my head.
Where do you write?
I've written and revised more than a few stories while my kids played at a water park during the summer...
Where do you write?
Sometimes, inspiration strikes in strange places and I have to use whatever resources are available (like a pizza-sauce-filled paper plate at the trampoline park during a kid's birthday party).
Where do you write?
When I'm lucky, I get to settle in and write in beautiful places, surrounded by nature, water, and bird song.
Where do you Write?
I wrote the end of one story during the 4th grade class picnic, while kids had water fights all around me!
Where do you write?
When I'm working from home, I often have soft, furry company sitting on my lap. (Look at all those horrible revision notes I made for myself on a draft of one of my novels!)
Where do you write?
The great thing is, writing is something you can do absolutely anywhere! Just keep your ears and eyes open and you never know when inspiration will strike.
On writing
Below are some semi-recent interviews/blog posts with Erin talking about her process/books/etc.